Day 2 – The Slowdown
Day 2 includes:
Email Deliverability – How to Optimize
Email is an essential new business tool but getting into the inbox isn’t always as easy as pressing “Send”. Miguel Trejo is the VP Marketing Communications & Operations and is doing a deep dive into the ever-changing landscape of e-mail deliverability. You’ll get an understanding of world of e-mail prospecting and will walk away with tips on how to boost your deliverability. Liz Lindley, New Business Director, is bringing her understanding and prospecting experience to the discussion with give real-life examples.
Building a Coherent Plan for Outreach
Having a coherent plan for outreach is so important. Chad Dils, New Business Director, and Bailey Kocent, Digital Marketing Manager, will do a fire-side chat about creating a solid plan. You’ll hear stories when agencies weren’t getting traction with prospecting, what changes they implemented, and how it helped them find success.
Hitting the Wall and How to Break Through
Carrie Shoemaker, New Business Director, will lead the discussion around hitting a wall with prospecting. You’ll hear real life examples from four New Business Directors on how they broke through those walls and connected with prospects. This presentation is full of actual stories you won’t want to miss!